How to Manage Your Late and Over-Budget Projects and Still SUCCEED! - The Second Online Seminar

A FREE seminar -Wednesday 18th December 2013: 7pm-8:00pm

Online - we’ll try another webinar system this time, contact me for details

This is the SECOND in a series of FREE online seminars that explore these fundamental questions:

Why are so many projects Late and Over-Budget?

What can you do to make sure that these projects STILL succeed? (and even have fun in the process)

This month we’re going to dip our toe into the world of improvisation and explore what that might be able to teach us about how to deal with the challenges we meet all the time in project management. Ridiculously optimistic schedules, continuous change, over-bearing bosses. How could a discipline that focuses entirely on just making things up as you go along be of any relevance to project management? You might be surprised…

Suggested reading: either of Keith Johnstone’s books on improvisation

It would be great if you could join us. Contact me and I’ll send you the webinar details.

Mark Stringer
