Scrum and Agile at Scale Needs a (Meta) Scrum Master

When the going gets tough, the tough get meta

What should you do if you want to do Scrum at Scale (i.e. for more than one Scrum, for groups of Scrums, or for groups of groups of Scrum). This is what I was thinking today — actually I woke up thinking about it:

I can think of two differences between Scrum and other Agile methodologies

So. If you’re wanting to do Scrum on a larger scale, rather than drawing a pretty picture, like they do at SAFE. You might want to:

What would the meetings be that this Meta Scrum Master (MSM?) would facilitate? I think there would be three of them.

Steering Committee: (once a month) All the stakeholders who are interested in this programme can attend. This meetings got three bits to it — each of which you would need if you were really steering something

What would a Meta Scrum Master do when he/she wasn’t running these meetings? Basically enable feedback, make sure that feedback is flowing from the development teams to the senior stakeholders, from senior stakeholders to the development teams.

SAFE seems to paint a compelling picture for many people — but information seems to flow only one way — where’s the feedback? One of the things I really like about “planning onion” from Extreme Programming is the idea that feedback happens at every level of granularity.

The Planning and Feedback loops advocated in Extreme Programming — to really get this to work at the weeks and months level you need a Meta Scrum Master If Safe wanted to draw all these feedback loops all over its one-way lines and boxes, I’d feel a lot more comfortable trying to use it.